
The natural way to lose fat without surgery!

CoolSculpting is an FDA-cleared, highly effective, non-invasive procedure that permanently removes fat without surgery or downtime. CoolSculpting typically takes only 1 treatment to see up to a 30% reduction in the fat layer, results improve over 2-3 months’ time. CoolSculpting is the world’s leading non-surgical fat removal procedure that uses fat freezing technology to eliminate fat from stubborn areas such as: Stomach CoolSculpting Chin CoolSculpting Love Handles CoolSculpting Neck CoolSculpting Thighs CoolSculpting Lower Abdomen CoolSculpting Arms CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting Body
  • During the procedure, uncomfortable feelings that may be experienced include pulling, tugging, pinching and numbness. After treatment patients typically report redness, swelling, bruising, firmness, temporary numbness and tingling/stinging. Like all medical treatments rare (and more unpleasant) side effects can occur. All of this will be discussed with you during your pre-treatment consultation.
  • Some redness a few hours after the treatment. You can usually return to your normal activities right away.
  • Permanent, although individual results may vary.
  • Results typically begin to be visible at about 3 weeks, but become most evident after 2-3 months. Some areas (such as thighs) tend to improve for up to 6 months. Like all medical procedures, the patient experience and result will vary between patients. Some areas require multiple treatment sessions, we try to space them 1-2 months apart. For pricing and more information on CoolSculpting, please contact us. 3D lipo- LOSE INCHES FASTER AND EASIER THAN EVER BEFORE!
  • 3D-Lipo is a powerful non-surgical approach to liposuction that reduce body fat by destroying fat cells. 3D Lipo can target smaller pockets of fat or larger areas such as the abdomen delivering faster and more effective results than any other machine of its type without any discomfort or downtime. 3D Lipo offers fast and effective treatment for the chin , upper arms, upper and lower abdomen, flanks/hips, thighs (inner, outer, front and back) and buttocks. These treatments can also be combined for better and longer results. Cellulite treatment- Will add description later Tattoo removal- With Q- Switch ND:YAG 1064nm, 532nm Laser ND:YAG lasers can treat 90-95% of tattoos since red and black are the most popular tattoo ink colors. Both ND:YAG wavelengths are safe on all skin types and allow for the most efficacious tattoo laser removal procedures available. Q- Switch Tattoo Removal Laser are without scars, marks or damage to the skin and it has instant effect. Q- Switch ND:YAG laser can also treat pigmentation, age spots, freckles and much more The price depends on size of the tattoo and and how many treatments are needed. Please call us for free consultation. Vascular laser therapy- Vascular lasers use light to target and destroy unwanted capillaries and blood vessels of the skin, legs and face.
(518) 505-9413
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